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Dry Creeks

Due to the naturally uneven topography of land in this area, as well as the high average rainfall each year, proper drainage for your landscape can be difficult to attain. When having issues where pools of water occur on certain parts of your lawn or in flower beds, it can be extremely frustrating trying to find ways to solve the issue. We use dry creeks because they look beautiful and natural within almost all landscapes, taking a problem and creating a solution that is an eye-catching feature. 



Transformations like the one pictured above are possible on any property! If you are having issues with drainage on your property, want to make your flower beds more unique and attention-grabbing, or both, you can reach out through the contact us link below. We can't wait to hear from you!

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P.O. Box 10874, Bainbridge Island, WA    |     |      (206) 855-8047

Licensed, bonded, and insured as General Contractors in Washington State. CAPLAML86OB8

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