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The Importance of Dethatching


Updated: Mar 27, 2019

First off, what is thatch? The green shoots of grass spring up above ground, and the root system of grass runs and tangles below ground. Meanwhile, thatch, a tightly woven layer of both living and dead roots, stems, and leaves, reside discreetly between the root system and green blades.

Between the lengths of 1/2 and 3/4 inches, thatch contributes to the well being of grass. Mulch slows water loss, decreases soil compaction, protects against temperature swings, and strengths tolerance to foot or mower traffic.

However, allowing thatch to get longer than 3/4 inches can lead to the growth of a layer that inhibits water, fertilizer, and insect or disease controls from reaching soil. It can also block rays of sun from hitting lower blades of grass and prevent roots from growing into nutrient rich soil.

After learning all the detrimental effects of thick thatch, you may be asking, does my lawn need dethatching? Here are two simple ways to test your lawn:

1) Feel your lawn.

A springy or spongy feeling lawn suggests that thatch is likely too long.

2) Measure the thatch.

To excavate a lawn sample, use a spade to remove a wedge-shaped layer of grass and soil about 3 inches thick. Measure the thickness of the thatch layer lying directly on top of soil. A measurement longer than 3/4 inches signifies that it is time to dethatch.

If you decide that you would like to improve the health and beauty of your lawn, we can efficiently and professionally dethatch your lawn for the best outcome. If you are curious as to whether your lawn could benefit from a dethatching or you know it will, please don't hesitate to contact us through either the phone number or email address included at the bottom of the page.

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P.O. Box 10874, Bainbridge Island, WA    |     |      (206) 855-8047

Licensed, bonded, and insured as General Contractors in Washington State. CAPLAML86OB8

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